The Earth Star Chakra
stimulated by Bougainvillea Flower Remedy
The Earth Star is located beneath the feet. It is this chakra which connects us to the central core of the Earth herself. When activating the upper two chakras it is important also to stimulate the Earth Star for this is the grounding channel for the high energies of love emanating from the cosmos. The Earth Star commits and dedicates us to being here on planet Earth. It is the centre of consciousness which knows why we have incarnated on Earth and fully accepts the unfoldment of great joy and pain earthly life brings.
Earth Star - Borganvillia

Bougainvillea is a remedy of great strength, durability and resolve. It prevents us faltering and wavering from what we know to be the right or true path. Use when a decision has been made and needs to be adhered to, particularly when the going gets tough. Borganvillea increases our ability to remain committed. It is an excellent remedy for the faint-hearted.Physical Indicators : long-term or chronic conditions.
We use Borganvillea to stimulate, strengthen and unblock the Earth Star Chakra, it is included in our Extended Chakra Set.
It is included in several of our flower essence combinations.
Borganvillea is also available as a flower oil for use in deep tissue massage. Borganvillea flower oil is part of our "Flexibility" massage oil.
Key Words: commitment, resolve, strengthening connection.
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