Dr. Edward Bach
biographical notes
Born 24th. September 1886, Birmingham.
Died 27th. November 1936, Sotwell, Oxfordshire.
1903-06 Worked in the family brass foundry, Birmingham.
1906 Entered Birmingham University as a medical student.
1912 Graduated from University.
1913 Appointed Casualty Medical Officer at University College Hospital, London. Soon afterwards became Assistant Bacteriologist at same institute. Breakdown in health led him to lessen hospital commitments and take up General Practice.
1915-19 In charge of over 400 war beds in addition to research work in the bacteriological dept. July '17 given 3 months to live after a severe haemorrhage which left him unconscious.
1919 Given a copy of Hahnemann's "Organon", immediately saw link with his own developing ideas of disease.
1922 Left orthodox medicine to practice and research into homoeopathy. Discovered and developed 7 the Bach Nosodes.
1928 Started to search in Wales for planets and herbs to substitute for the Nosodes.
1929 Decided to give up using Nosodes and just use homoeopathically prepared Mimulus, Impatiens and Clematis.
1930 Left his career and life in London to go in search of more herbal remedies. May-June discovered the process of solarisation. June-July wrote "Heal Thyself". August moved to Cromer and prepared 10 out of the original 12 Healers.
1931-32 Found the 3 remaining flowers of the 12 Healers. (One was discarded) Built up busy practice in Cromer using his new medicine. Wrote the book "Free Thyself". Nearly struck off the Medical register because of his advertising. First "12 Healers" written.
1932 Discovery of the remedies called the 4 Helpers.
1933 Discovery of 3 more Helpers - total of 7 Helpers. Left Cromer and settled in Sotwell. Wrote "The 12 Healers and 7 Helpers".
1934 Discovered another 19 remedies. Busy practice at Sotwell.
1936 Training of others in the use of remedies. Preparation for lecture tour, "The Healing Herbs". Last illness and death.