All animals communicate telepathically but not everyone listens to them or knows how to communicate back

Clare Metcalf
Animal Communicator
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I am a professional Animal Communicator who has been helping people resolve issues with their animals since 2007. I am the only UK certified Language of Miracles Interspecies Translator, the animal expert for the popular Spirit & Destiny magazine and have been published in many national & international magazines, as well as appearing on TV. I also run workshops teaching others to communicate more effectively with all species.
I am Clairaudient (clear hearing) Clairvoyant (clear seeing) Clairsentient / Clairempathic (clear feeling) and Animal Psychic (connected to animals in Spirit).
If you are concerned about your companion’s health or emotional wellbeing but have been unable to pinpoint exactly what is wrong and how to help them, I may be able to advise you after conducting a consultation with your animal companion.

How a consultation works
I do not need to see your animal companion in person as I connect to them telepathically through a photograph you supply. I can help your animal friend wherever they are in the world.
Through the telepathic process I pick up words, sensations and images which indicate how they are feeling; issues that may have affected them in the past; their likes and dislikes etc.
During the telepathic conversation I counsel animals with emotional and psychological issues and offer distant healing for health issues where needed. I use a combination of healing modalities drawing on over 20 years training and experience and according to each animals wishes.
Each session includes Medical Gestalt or body scanning: this is a process whereby physical sensations can be conveyed between animal and human, to offer a unique insight into their wellbeing. I also access the memories of animals to discover any physical and psychological damage they may have encountered in the past in order to help them resolve and heal from it.
I spend an hour in conversation with your animal.
The Report
I then provide you with feedback from the session and take time to clarify and explore the messages. This can be done verbally, with a phone appointment, or Zoom / FaceTime or via email. I work as mediator, a relationship counsellor, because sometimes compromise is necessary from humans as well as animals.
I am always fascinated to learn just how tuned in the animals are to natural remedies and treatments, and how often they select their own!
The information I can provide will allow you to proceed to your vet or animal practitioner armed with additional information which may be of use in the treatment of your animal friend. I have an excellent working relationship with my local vets, with osteopaths, chiropractors, Equine / Canine Touch and physical therapy practitioners nationally who are happy to hear from the animal's point of view before examination and treatment and can confirm my findings.
I am also a fully qualified Homeopathic practitioner with over 22 years clinical experience and also teach from basic to degree level.

If you want to communicate with me before booking a consultation email me at
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