
Immune: Flower and Seed Essence Combination

£ 7.50 each Weight: 100 g



Flower and Seed Essence Combination

Immune flower and seed essence combination contains the following flower remedies: Pansy, Chaparral, Garlic, Mimulus, Aspen, Angelica, Yarrow, Comfrey, Elm, Sage, Carduus Thistle and Larch, along with the seed essences of Euphorbia, Goose Grass, Holly, Bugloss, Vine and Fig.

 Key words - Immunity, Fear, Vulnerability, Protection, Grounding, Strength, Confidence.


PANSY is the flower remedy that can repel most viruses.  The flowers of the desert cactus CHAPARRAL strengthens the immune system


GARLIC MIMULUS and ASPEN are the classic flower remedies for fear and those powerful negative thought patterns found in the threat of lack, survival and ultimately death.

Fear isolates us and weakens the immune system making us more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.  EUPHORBIA is the seed essence for fear.  ANGELICA is a flower essence that connects us to the higher realms, reminding us we are more than just our body.


YARROW is the flower essence that helps us stand in our power whilst being protected from negativity in our physical environment.  GOOSE GRASS seed essence is for protection, HOLLY seed essence for defence and BUGLOSS seed essence for resilience.


It is easy to be ungrounded and unsure when faced with the possibility of illness.  COMFREY is a flower remedy that helps us keep our feet on the ground and function well in the physical world.  ELM is the remedy for when we are feeling overwhelmed by what is happening. 


Confidence in our body’s innate ability to protect and repel is vital for sustaining or increasing our natural immunity.  SAGE, CARDUUS THISTLE and LARCH are the flower remedies for confidence, along with VINE seed essence.

Immune Combination can be used as a preventive or when symptoms have emerged.  The seed essence FIG has also been added as its key quality is recovery.

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