

Campanula rupestris anchusaeflora
Life in the physical body is both miraculous and mundane. At times we can become totally elated by the excitement of our existence and the endless possibilities for adventure, yet on other occasions feel the full weight of living in the body with all the hard work, limitations and responsibilities that entails. The bellflower folk are strongly drawn to shoulder too many of the burdens of life. In many cases they initially feel inspired by the tasks ahead, growing and developing through the tough challenges. Yet a point is reached where the work seems little more than drudgery, devoid of amusement and light relief. They come to see no more than predictable repetition with scant possibility of change. These are strong souls who have endured much to build and maintain their lives yet are now becoming soured by their workload. They show signs of hardening and drying in mind and body. Practitioners too can fall into this mind set, losing the magical and inspiring element of their work; massage becomes just another set of routine strokes.

Suggested uses for Bellflower:

  • if there is a feeling of being “ground down” by life
  • if the mystery and magic of living has become absent
  • for those who are drying out, lack the juices of life and need to reconnect to their joy, spontaneity and creativity, become less serious
  • to bring us more in tune with the ageing process
  • to increase sensuality, make us more receptive to physical touch
  • on repetitive strain injuries
  • as a general tonic for the heart and circulatory systems
  • for those who lack vitality and have poor immunity.

Bellflower is a powerful tonic to the circulation of energy within the subtle anatomy so is well suited for use in full body massage. It can also be used to stimulate movement within sluggish chakras, allowing them to spin more freely, particularly the heart chakra. For this reason pay particular attention to the front and back of chest when using this oil in massage. This particular campanula is a robust and hearty specimen: this characteristic is captured in the vibrational impulse along with the distinctive pattern of the stamen which resembles a wheel.

 An extract from our book

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